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screening product today by clicking the above link.
PACERS, Inc is excited to introduce you to the C-ADDS
- a new and exciting ADHD screening instrument. C-ADDS is uniquely organized
into 10 short subtests varying in response formats. These subtests were
designed to assess attention and executive functions such as selective attention,
concentration, working memory, and inhibitory control. The paper and
pencil version of the C-ADDS comes to you with a colorful activity sheet,
25 attractive record forms, and a set of two superbly illustrated spiral
bound books that are beautifully presented with full color gloss
paperbacks. The test booklet has a triangle easel stand for easy
administration. The test is culture reduced and user-friendly. It is
simple to administer, easy to score, and reasonably priced. There is now
an online web application which allows you to take the test on any
computer with the appropriate specifications.
The Carlisle – Attention
Deficit Diagnostic System (C-ADDS) is a highly standardized norm-referenced instrument
designed to give psychologists, counselors, and social workers an
opportunity to be more directly involved in the micro-diagnostic screening
of ADHD children. More specifically, it was developed for the following reasons; 1) for the diagnostic screening
of children with attention and executive functioning deficits,
2) to assist in the determination of eligibility
for specialized instruction and support, 3) to guide in the
development of IEP goals, and 4) to guide teachers with respect to
instructional approaches, modes of instruction, and classroom management
C-ADDS was developed through logical/empirical techniques
and was norm on a sufficiently large sample of persons who have the
diagnostic characteristics and for whom the test will be utilized in the
future. The test and its related activity sheet are multi-colored and
very attractive. It contains 10 subtest; Letter Sequencing,
Numerical Operations, Sequencing, Coding, Listening Concentration, Color
Sequencing, Object Sequencing, Attention for Sequencing, Selective
Attention, and Sentence Repetition. The generation and selection of the
subtest items and the development of the 10 subtests were based on the
notion that, regardless of age or gender, individuals with attention and
executive functioning deficits demonstrate a subset of a range of
similar behaviors to varying degrees. It is this theoretical foundation
with respect to the description/manifestation of these ADHD-type
behaviors that guided in the selection of the items that constitute the
C-ADDS was standardized on 1114 children ages 6 through16
from the South-Western Michigan and Northern Indiana areas. There
were 557 diagnosed ADHD subjects and 557 match-paired subjects. All
selected subjects were from the general population. There were 728
males and 386 females. The standardized sample included 70.65%
Caucasian, 19.12% Blacks, 8.35% Hispanics, and 1.89% of other ethnic
It is important that the C-ADDS be used with other diagnostic
information-gathering methods such as case history, clinical observation,
and direct/indirect assessment tools. When used alone, the C-ADDS
is intended solely as a screening device to determine the likelihood
that an individual has ADHD or otherwise severe limitations in the areas
of attention and executive functioning. When used in conjunction with
other related test, C-ADDS has admirable
diagnostic capabilities. Information from C-ADDS may also be used
to guide teachers with respect to instructional methodologies and modes
of instruction that may bring about maximum results in these at-risk children.
The instrument is user-friendly and may be used by para-professionals.
However, the responsibility for its administration, scoring, and
interpretation should be assumed by qualified individuals who have been
trained in psychological testing.
has a few specific limitations; 1) Standardization procedures were
conducted on subjects from within a narrow geographical location, 2)
Testing in a “sterile” environment is required for best results, 3)
over-learned responses to specific task on the test may present false
positives and a child’s resistance to testing (reluctant client) may
present false negatives, and 4) the Sequencing subtest was
statistically recommended for removal in the pilot (Dissertation phase)
because of its low reliability coefficient (0.454) and, hence, only the
remaining nine subtest are scored as part of C-ADDS test.
these limitations, the reliabilities of the subtests were well within an
acceptable range (.69 < r >0.96) with an average reliability of
0.80. The inter-subtest correlation matrix indicated evidence of
relatively high test-validity. The strong inter-correlations/relationships
among the subtest are good indications that the items in each subtest are
measuring a common construct - some underlying behavioral characteristics
of ADHD. The validity of C-ADDS was demonstrated through a series of
analyses. These analyses confirmed that (a) the items of C-ADDS are
representative of the characteristic of ADHD; (b) the subsets are
strongly related to each other, (c) C-ADDS can separate ADHD subjects
from non-ADHD subjects in the general population, and (d) C-ADDS has 4
principal components (Working Memory, Selective Attention, Inhibitory
Control/ Impulsivity and Cognitive Flexibility) presumed to be important
substructures of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.